Fishbone/Ishikawa Diagram
The Fishbone Diagram, also known as the Cause and Effect or Ishikawa Diagram, helps manufacturing businesses examine possible reasons that may have caused a non-conformance in order to mitigate against the likely frequency of it reoccurring in the future.
This free tool can be used outside of Safefood 360° to help businesses of any size assess, determine, and identify the root cause of non-conformances and take appropriate action where required.
COVID-19 Medical Screening for site contractors, visitors and employees returning to work
Assess and approve employees’ eligibility to return to work without placing increased demands or a drain on resources.
This free-to-download tool can be used by businesses to screen site contractors, visitors, and employees for COVID-19 and approve them for access to the premise without needing to conduct face-to-face assessments.
WHO Guidance Checklist for COVID-19 for Food Manufacturers
Unlike other industries, it may not be possible for many involved in food manufacturing to work remotely given the nature of their operations.
This free-to-download tool compiles guidance from the WHO and FAO that can be applied in food manufacturing environments to support best practices and mitigate risk posed to the safety of employees in regards to COVID-19.
Cleaning Validation – Excel Tools
Validation of Cleaning Programs is now a mandatory requirement under most GFSI food safety standards. We’ve compiled the tools you need to analyze validation data and report on your results. These tools, accompanied with our cleaning validation whitepaper, are everything you need to know to keep your external auditors more than happy.
Workbook for Risk Assessing Non-HACCP Items
Several different standards require you to risk assess programs and other Non-HACCP items that are part of your QMS. These include things like cleaning programs, calibrations, audit programs, etc. This workbook provides solid guidance on how to conduct risk assessments of all your programs.
MRA – Microbiological Risk Assessment Tool
This MRA model helps you make microbiological risk assessments in a simple, guided way. The model contains all the steps required for good quality risk assessment with the final total score providing a measure of the risk.
Food Innovation – New Product Development Tool
This excel-based toolkit helps offers you a complete, guided process for managing food innovation. The toolkit covers all aspects of managing the innovation process, starting from feasibility analysis, and ending with product launch. The toolkit guides you step by step through the project, and helps you focus your innovation efforts.
Food Innovation – Scorecard & Gap Analysis Tool
This excel spreadsheet contains two useful innovation tools designed for food businesses. The Innovation Scorecard tool helps you get a better overview about your company’s ability to support innovation, and the Gap analysis tool will help you identify potential gaps in the market place. These two little tools will help your company support and manage innovation in a more profitable way.
Food Innovation – Idea Management & Selection Tool
This tool will help you keep all your food innovation ideas in one place and evaluate them in a methodological way. Ideas can be evaluated according to different variables, such as competition, product life cycle, ease of manufacturing etc. The toolkit contains an idea bank, a model for scoring the ideas, and a tool for selecting ideas for further development.