Safefood 360° Support – Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ is a comprehensive resource designed to address all your queries regarding our software. It provides quick and accurate answers to help you navigate and maximize the benefits of our system. Resolve your doubts effortlessly with Safefood 360° Support.

Password Reset

In order to reset your password please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click Reset Your Password at the Sign-In Screen
  2. Verify Email Address by clicking Send Verification Code.
  3. Add the Verification Code received by email, authentication app, or phone & click Verify Code.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Create New Password & click Continue.

Your password must meet our password criteria, and is required to contain at least one of all of the following:

At least one uppercase character.

At least one lowercase character.

At least 10 characters minimum.

At least one special character: (

How to complete assessments – Supplier Instructions

When completing assessment in Safefood 360°, you first need to review and complete the ‘Details’ stage. You can then click ‘Save & Submit’ to proceed to the Data Collection stage. Here, there will be a series of checklist questions and you can attach any relevant documentation.

Once you have completed the Data Collection stage you can click ‘Save & Return’ to send the assessment back to your customer for review.

The assessment status will update to Awaiting Data Collection [by Assigned Assessor], and the assessment will be returned to your customer. Your customer will complete the other stages of the record. For further information on assessments in Safefood 360°, please see our help video here or access our User Guide here.

How to accept your Safefood 360 ° invitation

All invitations from Safefood 360° are sent directly via email. When you receive an invitation to Safefood 360° you need to click on the link in the body of the email which will take you to the accept invitation page.

If you have not received an email invitation, this can be requested from your site administrator. Additionally, any invitations that are over a week old are invalid. They will need to be resent by the site administrator.

To accept the invite you need to input a password of your choice and accept the terms and conditions before clicking ‘Accept Invitation.’

Note that your chosen password must meet the following criteria:

At least 10 characters in length.

At least one uppercase character.

At least one lowercase character.

At least one special character: (

Clear cache or try incognito browser

Sometimes you may encounter issues in Safefood 360° which are related to your browser cache. This can occur due to incorrect information being stored within the browser. Clearing out your browser cache will help to resolve these issues.

EDGE : You can clear your browser cache via The three dots below the X > Settings > Search Cache > Choose what to clear > Change Time Range to All Time > Clear Now.

CHROME : You can clear your browser cache via The three dots below the X > Click More Tools > Clear Browsing Data > Advanced > Change Time Range to All Time > Clear Data.

If you do not wish to clear your browser cache, you can try to complete the action via a private browser window. If the issue still occurs in a private window then it is not cache related.

Supported browser information

For best results, we recommend users to access Safefood 360° using the latest version of Google Chrome. I have also outlined additional supported browser information below:

Supported browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome for Android
  • Apple Safari for iOS

Supported Operating Systems

Safefood 360° recommends that you use an up-to-date and OS manufacturer supported version of the below operating systems:

Microsoft Windows · For the latest information on Microsoft supported versions of windows, please see here.

Google Android · For the latest information on Google supported versions of Android, please see here.

Apple macOS · For the latest information on Apple supported versions of macOS, please see here.

Apple iOS · For the latest information on Apple supported versions of iOS, please see here.

User Guide

We have detailed articles on each module within Safefood 360° in our User Guide. If you have a specific query about the software you can review the guide which provides an in-depth overview of the system and its features –