Safefood 360° Demo Day

Join our Demo Day, a monthly webinar tailored to enhance your food safety management and supplier management efficiencies. Learn how transitioning from an offline paper-based system to a digital platform can significantly elevate your operational efficiency. In this open demo session, delve deep into the capabilities of a centralized digital platform: Safefood 360°.

Our Senior Product Specialist, Annemarie Joyce, will guide you through the Safefood 360° journey and demonstrate its transformative impact on your company.

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October 19, 2023(3 – 4 PM BST)

November 16, 2023(3 – 4 PM BST)

What to expect on Demo Day:

Safefood 360° Platform Walkthrough (~40 mins)

Explore the robust features of our platform during the demonstration session. The live showcase will cover:

  • An in-depth tour of our platform’s functionalities, such as:
    • Auditing & Corrective Actions
    • Monitoring
    • PRP Management
    • Supplier Management

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Speaker Annemarie

Industry Application Insight

Learn how leading businesses are leveraging Safefood 360° for enhanced food safety and operational efficiency.

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Interactive Q&A Session(~10 mins)

Bring your questions and have them addressed in real-time by our product specialists.

Webinar QandA

Industry leading food businesses use Safefood 360° as their compliance partner

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See why leading food brands choose Safefood 360°